Domenico Bertoletti

product types: 

  • Lutes
  • acoustic guitars
  • classical guitars
  • electric guitars


Domenico Bertoletti was born in Ala in the province of Trento, Italy. Growing up he showed a passion for carving and cabinetmaking. A meeting in 1978 with the guitar maker Abele Naldi tuned his interest towards the world of guitars and lutes. He made his first insturment in 1979. Domenico initially specialized in producing instruments from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, keeping to the complex historical designs. The carving of the sound hole roses, the construction of the bracing, the choice and quality of the materials altogether, give Domenico's instruments a personality of their own and consequently prestige. Having earned his reputation for historical instruments he then turned his attention to the philosophy, structure and acoustics of the Classical Guitar, alternating his experiments with the study of guitars made by Guadagnini, Torres, Hauser, Fleta, Ramirez. His studies and experience gained over time have forged the particular characteristics of Domenico's instruments; the choice of wood and the use of traditional methods together with the newest techniques allow his guitars to create a sound of refined beauty, clear and supple ready to express the widest range of nuances.

Source: Domenico Bertoletti website (30 August 2023)


Domenico Bertoletti, Luthier 38063 Sabbionara d'Avio , TN
Trento IT