
Parent brand: 

product types: 

  • mandolins
  • acoustic guitars
  • classical guitars
  • electric guitars


Monzino & Garlandini was an Italian stringed instrument maker that started in 1750 when Antonio Monzino I opened his first shop in Milan. The Monzinos opened a workshop in 1872 where Cremonese luthiers made violins as well as developing new stringed instruments (including a travel guitar for women). The Monzinos were joined by brother in law Carlo Garlandini in 1905 and the firm became Monzino & Garlandini. At first the Monzino side were more involved in importing and making the instruments and the Garlandini cousins were more involved in the retail side of the business. The Mogar brand emerged in the late 1950s when Antonio Carlo ​​Garlandini separated from the other ​​Garlandini cousins and opened a larger workshop was in Via Donatello where five luthiers made and repaired classical and electric guitars badged with the Mogar brand name. Mogar is still a major Italian musical instrument distributor.

Source: Fetish Guitars - Monzino & Garlandini (6 June 2018)

Source: Mogar website (6 June 2018)


Antonio Monzino
Via Rasrelli, 10
Milano , MI
Milano IT