product types: 

  • acoustic guitars
  • bass guitars
  • classical guitars
  • electric guitars


At the age of 10, Luthier Bill Hodge developed an interest in woodworking and has pursued that interest with a passion from that day forward. Bill began learning to play guitars at the age of 12 in the early 1970's.  In 1999 he began a remodeling business during which he crafted many custom built in woodworking projects in homes and businesses. In 2004 his efforts evolved into a custom wood furniture business which he operated from his shop at home. In 2005 Bill began building his first guitar to fulfill his decades long dream of building "a guitar". In spite of being a master woodworker Bill began to realize there's a lot more to creating a finely crafted musical instrument than just being a highly skiled woodworker. To fast forward a bit, after having studied books by Cumpiano, Kinkaide, and Courtnall, Bill opted to take a course under Master Luthier Charles Fox at the American School of Lutherie. The things that Bill learned while crafting a guitar under the supervised instruction of Mr. Fox began to open up a whole new world of understanding in regard to the enginering of this magnificent instrument. In 2007 Rhema guitars was officially launched after having crafted a good number of his earliest guitars. While all the guitars that have been created by luthier Bill Hodge are magnificent instruments in every way, he opted to hold off until his skills and understanding reached a level that he could be confident in branding his creations as Rhema Guitars. To this day Bill's perpetual pursuit of the perfect guitar has continued and shall for as long as he is able to physically create these wonderful instruments. Stop by the site and browse a bit.


80621 Fort Lupton , CO
United States
Colorado US